Monday, May 4, 2009

Things learned

I wanted to take a moment away from writing about my sexual trysts with M, because this inspired me so much.

It all started with boingboing, linking it from here , to (Remind me to spend some time there!), until I found the original source.

There's no doubt that Point #3 is best of them all. In order to grow, you have to avoid toxic people. But recognizing toxic people takes time, takes patience, and an awareness that often leaves us questioning ourselves. Even if you are no longer in the company of toxic people, it may take years for the realization that...maybe...they were bad for you. I love how how Mr. Glaser doesn't trot out a list of character traits that describe toxic people, it is up to you to understand who they are.

But lest not forget the other points on his list, I love point 8 (Doubt is better than certainty), point 9 (his take on aging) and 5 (less is not necessary more). As a matter of fact I'm stealing his quote for me "Just enough is more".

Who knows how many times Milton Glaser's things learned has been linked today because of its placement in boingboing since this morning!

But sharing is caring folks :D

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