Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I am now settled in my new home now. It is fully furnished, albeit a few empty boxes scattered among my new and old furniture. I think its to my liking now.

My routine is now fully established. I get up in the morning. Take a shower. Walk to the bus stop and get on the BART to get to work. In the evenings, I walk or take the bus home. Cook dinner. Get ready for bed, and prepare my lunch for the next day. Even my cat is now used to her new surroundings. She prowls every precious square inch of my little apartment as if she is the queen of her territory.

I am debating whether I should get cable, but the lack of quality programming on both the local and national channels prevent me from making that decision.

As I find myself in a state of domesticity, I find that my mind wonders to that territory of fear and doubt. (I will explain myself in full detail in my next post.) But there is always something for me to do so my mind doesn't stray for very long. As a single woman, I am having to rely solely on my own devices and what would take minutes for a couple often takes an hour alone.

Yes, home is where you place it and this is where I will be for awhile.

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