Saturday, October 3, 2009

Azeroth...and back again

There are no excuses for my brief hiatus on my blog.

God help me, I'm playing World of Warcraft again.

I have written about this aspect of my life before (elsewhere), and may elaborate again about this. But if it wasn't for World of Warcraft (WOW), I honestly wouldn't be here. It was here that my journey stared; I flirted with a man ingame, the first time I ever crossed that taboo barrier. Oh, I did the usual things that the game considered major goals, like raided and pvp in a guild, and I've met some amazing people in the process. But after I experienced the most sexual cerebral encounters within the game, I wanted more. Unfortunately, the game started to take more and more of my time, taking attention away from my husband, my friends and my life. I left the game, thinking that leaving it would solve my problems. Only later did I realized, that I wanted to pursue my sexual longings outside the confines of the computer.

I had no intention of going back to the game. Can you blame me? With my history, it would be like a reformed addict taking up crack again.

So, it was to great surprise that M announced one Saturday and said "Lets go to Gamestop and buy Wrath of Lich King". To be fair, one of the reasons why I was attracted to M to begin with was because he also played WOW, we both had Warlocks as our main characters, and we couldn't shut up about it. So no, he didn't put a gun to my head. I voluntarily paid for it, re-activated my account, and promptly transferred my characters to M's server.

My fear was that I was going to revert to my flirty ways, cyber with anything that had a pulse, and generally make a fool of myself. I've been playing for five months, and fortunately that fear never manifested itself. I've been focusing on leveling my main characters to 80 and getting ready to raid, that sex hasn't been an issue for me. The only significant sexual encounter that I've experienced, was me typing a concise description of giving him fellatio, while he masturbated on the other end. (And doubt that will be an isolated incident. I plan to take him in a secluded spot on Darnassas one day, and have my way with him.)

Oh that's not to say the temptation is gone. There are a lot more erotic role playing now more than ever in the game. In fact, as I started a baby Warlock on the alliance side, trying to ignore the overt sexual innuendo around Goldshire was a frustrating experience.

So my journey has reached a full circle. For the most part, I'm enjoying WOW again, so much so as to pre-order the next expansion. I have M who plays with me, and we enable each other. And, I'm not the same person who played this game two years ago.

That's my reasons for not writing. It's not particularly a good one. And to make it up, I do plan to write more about M and I sexual exploits (I have more material now :) )

As soon as I get my druid to 80, I promise.