I want to say that my life is interrupting my blogging time. But this time around, I'm going to blame my internet provider. Or, it could be my writing computer. In which case, I will need to spend time trying to fix this problem before I can commence writing a few more blog posts. I owe my, somewhat, meager audience some posts, and again, I do apologize for the sparseness here. Unfortunately, neither my roommate or I, are tech savvy, or care to fix this problem on our spare time. Actually, I have no excuses, I'm still surrounded by geeky/nerdy men, and if need be, can ask one of them to help me fix this problem. But none of those guys live with me and I'd rather be having quality time with them, then fix my computer. Until someone make up a "lets fix my computer" theme for a party, I'm afraid, I'm going to have to do this on my own. Maybe I can find a decent keyboard for my Ipad, so that I can write using that, and continue publishing more posts unhindered. Wish me luck, I have a few more options to explore.
But, perhaps just a no nonsense update is in order, since I'm here now. The bad stuff first then the good stuff.
I wasn't going to write this in my blog, but I think it warrants a mention, especially here. It should probably warrant it's own post, but I suppose this format will have to do. I knew for awhile that M became engaged to someone well before he decided to move to the East Coast. Well, his wedding was last Thursday. How do I know this? It was something he constantly wrote about on Facebook, like a reminder. (BTW, I'm still friended to him on FB.) I've been extremely reserved about this but for the most part, I wish them well. There is a part of me that truly want to congratulate them. But, even if I were to write an email to him privately, I don't think he would want my well wishes. Out of everything that could trigger my emotions about this situation, it's the sadness that emanates that I can't say anything about this, even positively. So, I'm having to accept that and let it go.
Concurrently, it appears that my single primary-ness is coming to a slow transitional closing phase. I say "appears" because, I'm not giving up being my own primary, it won't be my focus. Let's just say I met someone, and we are in the middle of becoming more entrenched in each other's lives that is both fulfilling and loving. I wasn't looking to have another deep, long-term relationship, but it appears the universe felt it was time. I want to say more, but I know that this warrants a few blog posts of its own. I'm still poly and have my secondary relationship with J, and that will not change anytime soon.
For the most part I'm well. Even work has finally equalized a bit for me, but then, my motivations and energy lies elsewhere, and unfortunately, have decided to just stop caring. I know, it's not healthy in the long run, and I'd rather go to work where I'm motivated. But, for the time being it is what it is.
Hopefully, more posts to come, very soon. I promise.