I make many references to trusting the universe here, and other writings, both private and public. I suppose I should explain what that means to me.
I came about this term back in my 20's when I was formalizing my own spiritual path. Back then, I was using it to conceptualize a higher power that was different from the son, the father, and the holy ghost. A more pagan deity that encompassed the earth, the sun, and what was in the sky. I later became enamored with Buddhism, and the universe became this amorphous acknowledge non-entity. The term really became part of my lexicon when I separated from my ex-husband. During this time, I needed to face my fears of being alone, of not knowing what will happen to me.
For me trusting the universe doesn't mean waiting for a deity to rescue me, praise me if I do the right things, or being enlightened. What trusting the universe means to me is understanding that I cannot control everything, and that things will go on without me whether or not I make a decisions.
Why was this so important for me? Well, for starters, I'm a control freak. My old self would have exerted my energy to changing something I am not privy to change. Conversely, I would also change something that should be left to its own devices.
The operative word with this term is trusting. I need to let people be who they are. I need to acknowledge that I can't change certain things. I have to let events unfold to its own rhythm and timing. And that requires a huge amount of trust.
Like planets orbiting the sun and each other, I have to accept that people will influence me with or without warning, and that I will have influence people around me. But this also means being aware of what is going on, taking responsibilities for my actions, and stepping into a situation when the timing is correct.
This trust in the universe has rewarded me, as much has it has broken me. So far it's been a good guideline for me to follow.