We spend the New Years at a dungeon, with people who know us and like us. I didn't have a lick to drink, and yet I felt euphoric (although not sure if that's something to do with the energy of the place or just my general mood). No, I haven't found a new playmate or new lover. Well...there's still nothing on the horizon, and I'm still at my dead end job...okay WHY THE HELL am I happy???
Maybe because I'm going to Disneyland in a few days? Maybe the fact that I haven't worked a full week in about 3 weeks making me giddy?
I deliberately don't make New Year's resolutions for sole purpose that I never keep them. I do know that I NEED to lose some weight or I'm screwed, wardrobe wise. SIGH...
Okay, perhaps I will make an effort to write more posts on here. I had 9 posts up in 2011, maybe I can get that total to 10 or 11. A simple goal, like the one I just proposed, might be something that I can achieve. So, lets resolve to make more posts!
Okay, perhaps I will make an effort to write more posts on here. I had 9 posts up in 2011, maybe I can get that total to 10 or 11. A simple goal, like the one I just proposed, might be something that I can achieve. So, lets resolve to make more posts!